Have you ever stopped to think what might hapen if your computer was stolen, or it's data accessed by unauthorised persons?
The Information Commissioner's Office website provides some useful tips, as follows:
• For a good source of advice in plain English on security go to the government and business sponsored website getsafeonline.org.
• For computer security:
• Install a firewall and virus checking on your computers.
• Consider upgrading your operating system
• Protect your computer by downloading the latest patches or security updates, which should cover vulnerabilities
• Only allow your staff access to the information they need to do their job and don’t let them share passwords
• Encrypt any personal information held electronically if it will cause damage or distress if it is lost or stolen
• Take regular back ups of the information on your computer system and keep them in a separate place so that if you lose your computers, you don’t lose the information
• Don’t dispose of old computers until all the personal information on them has been securely removed (by using technology or destroying the hard disk)
• Consider installing anti-spyware. This protects against software that can be secretly installed on your computers. It can monitor use, look for private information or even give someone else control of your computer.
The Information Commissioner's Office website provides some useful tips, as follows:
• For a good source of advice in plain English on security go to the government and business sponsored website getsafeonline.org.
• For computer security:
• Install a firewall and virus checking on your computers.
• Consider upgrading your operating system
• Protect your computer by downloading the latest patches or security updates, which should cover vulnerabilities
• Only allow your staff access to the information they need to do their job and don’t let them share passwords
• Encrypt any personal information held electronically if it will cause damage or distress if it is lost or stolen
• Take regular back ups of the information on your computer system and keep them in a separate place so that if you lose your computers, you don’t lose the information
• Don’t dispose of old computers until all the personal information on them has been securely removed (by using technology or destroying the hard disk)
• Consider installing anti-spyware. This protects against software that can be secretly installed on your computers. It can monitor use, look for private information or even give someone else control of your computer.